Grace Miller Joins Paradis Pros

Grace Miller Joins Paradis Pros

We are so excited to announce that Grace Miller is joining the Paradis Pro team! 

Grace is a member of the US Paralympic Nordic Ski team and represented the Beijing 2022 and Pyeongchang 2018 Paralympic Games.   She writes: “Growing up in Alaska, being outside is a part of life and my Mom made sure I wasn't the exception. Other than nordic skiing I love to backcountry ski, rock climb, and ice climb. I wish growing up I would have seen more people with disabilities in the media. Trying new sports is terrifying but especially when you are adaptive. The power of seeing someone else who looks, talks, or understands you can give a person the courage needed to try something new. Outside is for everyone and there are no exceptions.” 

We are incredibly proud to have her represent Paradis Sport! Welcome to the team, Grace.

